Friday, September 30, 2011

Wireless Power Broadcast for Computers and Phones Anticipated!

Power beaming is a critical for space-based solar power. It also would be nice if our laptops and cell phones didn’t need to be plugged in, becoming truly wireless. Intel recently brought the concept closer to reality with a live demo illuminating a 60 watt bulb on stage at an annual meeting in San Francisco [...]


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Pure Power listed on ?Mapping the Green Economy? ? Environmental Defense Fund

Pure Power has been listed on the new Green Business Map developed by the Environmental Defense Fund as a way of identifying green economy clusters. Mobile solar generators will get you on that map, so step right u[ Not surprisingly, Santa Monica and Los Angeles have a lot of big brains working on sustainable business [...]


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Solar Powered Battery Charger

Owning a solar powered battery charger can help you in an emergency, and also save money! Solar battery chargers are useful for vehicles (cars, motorcycles and boats) and will also work for battery powered generators, lawn equipment, garage door openers, electric gates and more.� Why?� Because things that run on solar power are not affected [...]


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Back to Blogging the Sun

I’m returning from a writing break at Solar Home Review, after following the Fukushima nuclear crisis, which is on-going.� I started a blog,� Fukushima Updates ? ????????, with an interest in covering the unfolding events. Japan has been a major contributor to the solar industry worldwide and I felt it was important to pay attention [...]


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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Game Changing Advance in Solar Cooling Project from University Researchers

Using solar thermal energy to power an air conditioning unit can be difficult and expensive. But a team of researchers at the University of California, Merced, have added a game-changing advance to the process that could make it much simpler, less costly and more effective. UC Merced Professor Roland Winston and his team of student [...]


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ITAR (which I hate with a passion) Slammed by the Economist

In my humble opinion, the greatest impediment standing in the way of greater business opportunity and international partnerships for the American space industry are our export laws contained in the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which I hate with a passion! It is important for us to understand how ITAR (WIHWAP) can affect our [...]


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Discovery Channel to Show Documentary on Space-Based Solar Power!

I told Mike “Green Hornet” Hornitschek that we’d be famous! The Discovery Channel (which my kids LOVE and we LOVE them watching it!) will show a documentary on Space-Based Solar Power at 10pm on 12 September, 2008. We filmed it in Washington DC at the Space Frontier Foundation’s New$pace 2008 conference (you are a member, [...]


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Pure Power listed on ?Mapping the Green Economy? ? Environmental Defense Fund

Pure Power has been listed on the new Green Business Map developed by the Environmental Defense Fund as a way of identifying green economy clusters. Mobile solar generators will get you on that map, so step right u[ Not surprisingly, Santa Monica and Los Angeles have a lot of big brains working on sustainable business [...]


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Social entrepreneurship: better than Triple Bottom Line

Gotta be honest here, “the triple bottom line” has always been a hinky term – we’ve been talking “TBL” and its cooler cousin “3BL” for a decade now and we have yet to see anyone light up over it. The big idea is a company that does well by doing good. Reaching a triple bottom [...]


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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Obama Sets Goal of One-Third Cut in Oil Imports

WASHINGTON ? As a candidate in the fall of 2008, when Republicans held the White House, Barack Obama benefited politically from voters? anger about gasoline costs hitting $4 a gallon on average. But as the incumbent facing re-election next year, he knows that will not be the case if prices are so high again. Read [...]


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Solar Charger Tutorial ? Part 3

Part 3: How (and why) do I store power? Sunlight is inconsistent and often nonexistent (think nightime) so storing power is important in many applications. In addition, many electronics are expecting a constant, specific Voltage with an ample power reserve. …

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Solar in Ontario: 2011 Preview

2011 will be the year that matters most for solar energy in Ontario...


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Wireless Power Broadcast for Computers and Phones Anticipated!

Power beaming is a critical for space-based solar power. It also would be nice if our laptops and cell phones didn’t need to be plugged in, becoming truly wireless. Intel recently brought the concept closer to reality with a live demo illuminating a 60 watt bulb on stage at an annual meeting in San Francisco [...]


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Three Great Outdoor Deck Lighting Ideas

A beautiful deck is made even more attractive with the right lighting. You will be able to appreciate a deck more if you place the right kind of design and lighting in the essential areas of the deck. Decks could actually provide a more relaxing ambiance for gatherings, and it can become an extension of [...]


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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

1 Watt Stirling engine driving high-power LED

First let me say I will display this engine and generator at the Maker Faire in San Mateo, CA on May 21, 22 so you can see it running if you are there. The above video shows a one-watt Stirling engine driving a one-watt LED. Conversion efficiency is not too high so I’m only driving [...]


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Engine 3F Efficiency Analysis part 2

Continuing with the analysis of where the input power (heat) to the engine goes, the next item to consider is the conduction loss often referred to as thermal shorting. Conduction losses A Stirling engine of gamma configuration, such as the one being considered, uses a displacer to shuttle the operating gas back and forth between [...]


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Solar Power is Cost Competitive with Coal in Australia

For years, people have discussed the concept of “grid parity,” which is the point at which generating solar energy does not cost any more money than burning coal or gas for electricity. In one corner of the world, it appears that grid parity is here.� Solar power is cost competitive with coal in Australia. The [...]


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Making MagSafes Again?

As we prep to get our solar MacBook chargers back in stock, we got together in our Brooklyn conference room to make some MagSafe adapters. They are not works of art, but they are functional. We splice used MagSafe adapters …

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Voltaic at Fashion Week

The folks behind the Tour de Fashion are using the Voltaic Generator to keep their laptops powered up this week. Here’s a picture of our solar laptop charger in front of one of the locations. The Tour de Fashion features …

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Monday, September 26, 2011

3 Solutions for Going Solar

Think capturing the sun?s energy is too expensive? Three homeowners?with three very different budgets?find ways to build photovoltaic power...


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Solar Charger Tutorial ? Part 3

Part 3: How (and why) do I store power? Sunlight is inconsistent and often nonexistent (think nightime) so storing power is important in many applications. In addition, many electronics are expecting a constant, specific Voltage with an ample power reserve. …

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A tower crane lifts a section of structural steel into place for the Unit 1 power tower


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An aerial view of the ISEGS construction site, August 2011


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Tesla CEO Elon Musk Promotes Solar Power in Fukushima Pref.

SOMA, Fukushima Pref. — The city of Soma in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, has received a $250,000� donation for a solar power project from Tesla Motors Inc. Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk, a solar energy advocate who sees the need for solar subsidies on par with those currently supporting nuclear power. Elon remain a visionary when [...]


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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Multijunction Solar Cells

Multijunction Solar CellsMultijunction solar cells have long been used in space. Solar cells are well proven in space as a fairly reliable and stable source of energy, capable of running very long time. The primary danger for solar cells in space is cosmic radiation and meteoric dust, causing erosion of the surface of silicon cells and limiting battery life. Multijunction solar cells have multiple layers and have efficiencies higher than single junction cells. They consist of a 3-5 semi conductor for each layer.


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Voltaic in the Gobi Desert

A Korean couple biked across the Gobi Desert in Mongolia and used the Voltaic Fuse Solar Charger to charge their own phones plus those of locals along the way. Here are several pictures from their trip. Thanks to our partner …

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Evacuated Tube Solar Collectors

Evacuated Tube Solar CollectorsEvacuated tube solar collectors are very efficient. The efficiency of the evacuated tube solar collector depends mainly on the angle. The main part of the evacuated tube solar collectors is a special vacuum tube, in which is being situated water. The entire design is made on the principle of thermos devices. The vacuum eliminates convection losses and thermal conductivity, reducing the overall collector heat loss to a minimum.


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Hundreds of construction workers participate in the overnight concrete placement for the Unit 2 tower foundation


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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Solar Charger Tutorial ? Part 3

Part 3: How (and why) do I store power? Sunlight is inconsistent and often nonexistent (think nightime) so storing power is important in many applications. In addition, many electronics are expecting a constant, specific Voltage with an ample power reserve. …

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Three Great Outdoor Deck Lighting Ideas

A beautiful deck is made even more attractive with the right lighting. You will be able to appreciate a deck more if you place the right kind of design and lighting in the essential areas of the deck. Decks could actually provide a more relaxing ambiance for gatherings, and it can become an extension of [...]


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Swimming Pool Solar Panels

swimming pool solar panelsSwimming pool solar panels can assist you heat your pool without cost by harvesting the sun rays. Owners of swimming pools are especially advantageous to use solar energy if the system is connected with the solar heating system in the home. Experiments have shown that in this case, you can raise the water temperature at 22 � C above ambient temperature. Any solar pool heating system consists of three main components: solar collector, the filter pump and flow control valve.


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Solar Charger Tutorial ? Part 2

Part 2: How much power am I generating? A solar panel does not do anything in isolation. It needs to be connected to something. That something is called a load. A load dissipates power and converts electrical energy to work. …

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Infographic: Why is Uncle Sam Going Solar?

Great infographic here on why the US Government is changing the way it powers the military – lots of incentive (including saving lives) for moving toward use of mobile solar and other renewable sources. (…And by extension from the mobile solar military – the EPA, National Parks, FEMA – - all provide excellent opportunities for [...]


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Friday, September 23, 2011

Ivanpah Unit 1 progress highlights

Construction continues at the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, where temperatures remain hot, but are slowly dropping as fall gets underway. Continue reading


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Pure Power listed on ?Mapping the Green Economy? ? Environmental Defense Fund

Pure Power has been listed on the new Green Business Map developed by the Environmental Defense Fund as a way of identifying green economy clusters. Mobile solar generators will get you on that map, so step right u[ Not surprisingly, Santa Monica and Los Angeles have a lot of big brains working on sustainable business [...]


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what is the energy crisis?

Certainly we are faced with an energy crisis not reduced by innovation. We must see this amid our need to focus on the positive to take care of today, and maybe part of tomorrow. What is the energy crisis? It’s a lack of planning that’s catching up with us, in some places felt already, and [...]


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3 Solutions for Going Solar

Think capturing the sun?s energy is too expensive? Three homeowners?with three very different budgets?find ways to build photovoltaic power...


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1 Watt Stirling engine driving high-power LED

First let me say I will display this engine and generator at the Maker Faire in San Mateo, CA on May 21, 22 so you can see it running if you are there. The above video shows a one-watt Stirling engine driving a one-watt LED. Conversion efficiency is not too high so I’m only driving [...]


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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pure Power listed on ?Mapping the Green Economy? ? Environmental Defense Fund

Pure Power has been listed on the new Green Business Map developed by the Environmental Defense Fund as a way of identifying green economy clusters. Mobile solar generators will get you on that map, so step right u[ Not surprisingly, Santa Monica and Los Angeles have a lot of big brains working on sustainable business [...]


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Pure Power featured in GE ecomagination story

“… California?s Pure Power Distribution has created mobile solar arrays whose ability to generate reliable power has been demonstrated on, of all things, movie base camps. Their usability, however, extends far beyond the silver screen. In addition to its Mobile Solar Power System, a purely solar array, it has developed a Solar Hybrid, an 18 [...]


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High Power Solar Panels

High power solar panels are made with quality materials which are more expensive. High power solar panels are designed with a higher efficiency. The best benefit from high power solar panels is that you can get maximum output...


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Stump Remover 101: 4 Easy Methods to Remove Tree Stumps

We all know that when we cut down a tree there will always be a part of it that is left attached to the ground. The parts that are left attached like the remainder of the trunk and the roots will die and decay in time. Whatever your reason for removing the stump, that is [...]


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Generating power with a stepper motor

If you want to generate electrical power from about a tenth of a watt up to several watts, a stepper motor might be worth considering. I’m going to go into detail here on a specific stepper motor that can generate up to a little over � watt. First a few key features: 1. Inexpensive: New [...]


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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Science Lags as Health Problems Emerge Near Gas Fields

On a summer evening in June 2005, Susan Wallace-Babb went out into a neighbor’s field near her ranch in Western Colorado to close an irrigation ditch. She parked down the rutted double-track, stepped out of her truck into the low-slung sun, took a deep breath and collapsed, unconscious. A natural gas well and a pair [...]


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Pure Power finishes Mentalist season ? provided base camp power on location

Pure Power has just completed the season powering the on-location base camps for The Mentalist (Warner Bros., broadcast on CBS) – our “S48″ base camp power system was used to power the show’s base camp whenever it went out on location. The 48 did great work this season, providing all base camp power for up [...]


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Measuring a Stirling engine with 1 watt power output and 1.5% efficiency

The following is a transcript with still photos of the previous video on the same subject. I?ve included a few more notes about the engine, my model 3F. This is a gamma configuration Stirling engine. I?m powering it with the heat from a 70 watt light bulb so that I can accurately measure the heat [...]


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Solar Power is Cost Competitive with Coal in Australia

For years, people have discussed the concept of “grid parity,” which is the point at which generating solar energy does not cost any more money than burning coal or gas for electricity. In one corner of the world, it appears that grid parity is here.� Solar power is cost competitive with coal in Australia. The [...]


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Can You Qualify for the ?Section 1603? 30% Cash Grant Program to Buy Solar?

Can You Qualify for the ?Section 1603? 30% Cash Grant Program to Buy Solar? At the end of 2010, Congress passed and the President...


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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Solar Charger Tutorial ? Part 2

Part 2: How much power am I generating? A solar panel does not do anything in isolation. It needs to be connected to something. That something is called a load. A load dissipates power and converts electrical energy to work. …

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BigBelly Solar Compactors

On a recent trip to Richmond Virginia, we encountered several recycling bins with solar powered in-built trash compactors peppered throughout the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) campus. This is a welcomed marriage of green thinking: clean solar energy to reduce the …

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Solar Charger Tutorial ? Part 1

How do Solar Chargers work? Introduction Solar chargers use solar energy to power my electronics, neat! How do they work? Short answer: Sunlight hits solar panels -> solar panels generate electricity -> electricity flows into battery -> battery outputs clean …

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1 Watt Stirling engine driving high-power LED

First let me say I will display this engine and generator at the Maker Faire in San Mateo, CA on May 21, 22 so you can see it running if you are there. The above video shows a one-watt Stirling engine driving a one-watt LED. Conversion efficiency is not too high so I’m only driving [...]


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Monday, September 19, 2011

Global Energy Use Increasing 53 Percent by 2035. China and India Using Half

EIA projects world energy use to increase 53 percent by 2035; China and India account for half of the total growth International Energy Outlook 2011 (IEO2011) released today by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) presents updated projections for world energy markets through 2035. The IEO2011 Reference case projection does not incorporate prospective legislation or [...]


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Energy Social Communities premier solar forum SolarTown sister site GoGreenSolar Online Community The Energy Collective Worldshift 2012 Social Network Collapse Network WiserEarth | Energy Groups YOU MAY ALSO related posts..........


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Is a Solar iPhone in the Works?

Solar cell phones have been gradually hitting the market over the past year.� But the most popular phone, Apple’s iPhone may soon take solar cell phones mainstream. Many have been wondering, is a solar iPhone in the works, after discovering that Apple won a patent related to use of solar power in mobile devices. Although [...]


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Time to Build! A First Look at ?The Initial Plan?

All, Its time to let actions speak louder than words. We’re going to build the first ever space-based solar power satellites! I made this announcement at the International Space Development Conference and again at the New$pace (properly spelled with a dollar sign) conference in Washington D.C. this summer. Now it’s time to let you in [...]


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Aerial views of progress at the Ivanpah construction site

Aerial views of progress at the Ivanpah construction site Continue reading


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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Multijunction Solar Cells

Multijunction Solar CellsMultijunction solar cells have long been used in space. Solar cells are well proven in space as a fairly reliable and stable source of energy, capable of running very long time. The primary danger for solar cells in space is cosmic radiation and meteoric dust, causing erosion of the surface of silicon cells and limiting battery life. Multijunction solar cells have multiple layers and have efficiencies higher than single junction cells. They consist of a 3-5 semi conductor for each layer.


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