Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Multijunction Solar Cells

Multijunction Solar CellsMultijunction solar cells have long been used in space. Solar cells are well proven in space as a fairly reliable and stable source of energy, capable of running very long time. The primary danger for solar cells in space is cosmic radiation and meteoric dust, causing erosion of the surface of silicon cells and limiting battery life. Multijunction solar cells have multiple layers and have efficiencies higher than single junction cells. They consist of a 3-5 semi conductor for each layer.


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Flickr Top 50 Digital Cameras with Battery Model

We love all things photography here at Voltaic and want to help all you shutterbugs out there keep your digital cameras powered through the day with clean, renewable solar energy.� We’re expanding our selection of solar camera charging cradles based …

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Time to Build! A First Look at ?The Initial Plan?

All, Its time to let actions speak louder than words. We’re going to build the first ever space-based solar power satellites! I made this announcement at the International Space Development Conference and again at the New$pace (properly spelled with a dollar sign) conference in Washington D.C. this summer. Now it’s time to let you in [...]


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Solar Pool Covers

solar pool coversAnybody that owns an out of doors swimming pool will definitely wish to keep care of it. The good way to prevent something from getting into the water can be to use a pool cover. Solar pool covers can help keep your pool clean, also help reduce the size of a solar pool heating system, which can save you money. Advantages of using Solar pool covers Solar pool covers are designed to absorb the sunlight. One of the main advantages of coatings is that they prevent heat loss. Evaporation is minimized. Thus, pool covers not only help maintain a comfortable water temperature, but also reduce the cost of heating water in the basin.


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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Heat Transfer Products Designed to Enhance Energy Efficiency and Alternative Clean Energy Equipment

GREENS HOLDINGS LTD, a leading engineering and manufacturing group focusing on key heat transfer products designed to enhance energy efficiency and alternative clean energy equipment, today announced the successful installation of two Heat Recovery Steam Generators (“HRSGs”) that are key parts of a 225 MW gas fired power station in Northern India that is currently [...]


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How to Save Money With Solar Panels

Can Solar Panels Save me Money? Learn How to Save Money With Solar Panels. If you are looking for ways to save money on your electric bill make solar power panels!


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Weaponization, Environmental Risk, and Multinational Approaches

Today I was asked by a politically-minded individual what political hurtles space-based solar power might face when confronted with questions of weaponization, safety, and multinational approaches. My reply is below. Please check my work! “Your concern about weaponization of the system and environmental risks are proper and deserve solid answers. For the answers (and a [...]


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2011 US Energy Legislative Preview

U.S. energy legislation faces formidable opposition in 2011, but we still expect a debate...


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What are Solar Panel Kits?

Looking for easy to install, affordable residential solar panels?� You might want to consider solar panel kits. Solar kits include everything you need for a renewable energy installation on your home.� Whether you are looking for a DIY home improvement project, or simply trying to avoid the hassle of contracting with a solar power company [...]


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Monday, August 29, 2011

Rebate Shortages Cloud Solar Projects

Florida Power & Light Co. can recoup from customers the full $70 million cost of its new solar plant at Kennedy Space Center...


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Solar Powered Parking Structures

Over the past few years, we’ve been posting about solar powered parking structures.� These include parking garages or park-and-ride facilities that use solar panels to either power the lighting and other electricity needs and/or re-charge electric vehicles (EVs) that are stationed there. With more consumers considering EVs, there is a need for people using parking [...]


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Pouring concrete at dawn


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Solar Powered Parking Structures

Over the past few years, we’ve been posting about solar powered parking structures.� These include parking garages or park-and-ride facilities that use solar panels to either power the lighting and other electricity needs and/or re-charge electric vehicles (EVs) that are stationed there. With more consumers considering EVs, there is a need for people using parking [...]


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What Effects From Installing Rooftop Solar Panels?

For residential property owners considering solar power, there are many questions that you’ll want to have answered.� Beyond cost and efficiency, some of the most pressing inquiries have to do with the effects from installing rooftop solar panels. In other words, how will things change for you and your property after putting in a solar [...]


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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Can You Qualify for the ?Section 1603? 30% Cash Grant Program to Buy Solar?

Can You Qualify for the ?Section 1603? 30% Cash Grant Program to Buy Solar? At the end of 2010, Congress passed and the President...


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Pouring concrete at dawn


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Fukushima Updates

Following the natural disaster that hit Japan on March 11, I periodically provided updates at the Energy Collective, on how things we’re progressing, or not progressing, as TEPCO and the government of Japan worked to manage the nuclear crisis at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear facility. Finding myself stretched for time with other projects, I suspended [...]


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sustainable living resources

Sustainable Investing Resources and Opportunities ekopolitan Global Energy Index Sustainable Investing community E+Co – Energy through Enterprise� Sustainability – Ethics, Concepts & Design Buckminster Fuller Institute Institute of Noetic Sciences The Venus Project WorldShift Network Sustainable Transportation Better Place EMBARQ Electric Car Guide Tesla Motors Food, Organics, Fair Trade, Sustainable & Safe Products Frontier Natural [...]


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Concrete trucks


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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Engine 3F Efficiency Analysis part 4

Rev 1: See details at bottom. Let me summarize what has been covered and what remains in this efficiency analysis: Component Power percentage of total power Efficiency analysis Heat lost directly to the environment 40.3w 58.4% Part 1 Thermal shorting: heat conduction directly from the hot end to the cold end 5.9w 8.6% Part 2 [...]


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Power Piston Sizing

How big should your Stirling engine power piston be? A common problem Stirling engine designers face is how much volume should the power piston sweep in comparison with the displacer? This of course only applies to a Beta or Gamma engine; an alpha engine designer faces a related problem of what phase angle to use [...]


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Solar Powered Restaurants: Fast Food, Green Energy

We all know that fast food isn’t good for us.� Yet, as a working mom of 4, I have to admit that about once a week, I let one of these outlets make dinner for us.� Perhaps I can cut down on the guilt by looking at the fact that many of these outlets are [...]


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Swimming Pool Solar Panels

swimming pool solar panelsSwimming pool solar panels can assist you heat your pool without cost by harvesting the sun rays. Owners of swimming pools are especially advantageous to use solar energy if the system is connected with the solar heating system in the home. Experiments have shown that in this case, you can raise the water temperature at 22 � C above ambient temperature. Any solar pool heating system consists of three main components: solar collector, the filter pump and flow control valve.


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Flalken Industries. Investment in Clean Energy is Good Business

Falken Industries Ltd, today launched its EcoPledge Energy Innovation Initiative. The $1.8-million program internally financed in large part from expected grants and partnerships with its global distribution network, will invest in pointed research, development and demonstration projects for clean energy technologies that will create high-quality products or enhancements for FLKI’s global markets. The company is [...]


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Friday, August 26, 2011

The 10 Winning Clean Energy Technology Entries from the Defense Energy Challenge

Department of Defense Selects 10 Winners from CTSI Defense Energy Challenge to Showcase at Honolulu Summit HONOLULU.-Energy security and independence are two goals at the heart of the U.S. Military’s investment in clean energy technologies. With over 220 submissions, the 2011 CTSI Defense Energy Challenge has selected the top 10 technologies for presentation at the [...]


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All Electric Ford Focus Will Include Optional Rooftop Solar Power System

Last winter, I got the opportunity to attend the North American Auto Show in Detroit, Michigan, as a guest of Ford Motor Company.�� Among the numerous fuel efficient vehicles, the showroom included many future electric cars.� Many are merely prototypes, but a few – like the all electric Ford Focus – are actually coming to [...]


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Obtaining Orbital Parking Slots and Frequencies

I was asked two interesting questions yesterday by people interested in commercial development of space-based solar power (SBSP): How would a company obtain a geostationary parking slot for a SBSP satellite? How would a company obtain a license to broadcast power from space over radio frequencies? Excellent questions. Here are the answers that I slapped [...]


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Engine 3F Efficiency Analysis part 3

Let me summarize what has been covered and what remains in this efficiency analysis: Component Power percentage of total power Efficiency analysis Heat lost directly to the environment 40.3w 58.4% Part 1 Thermal shorting: heat conduction directly from the hot end to the cold end 5.9w 8.6% Part 2 Gross engine power: includes net shaft [...]


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Thursday, August 25, 2011

solar directories & training

Renewable Energy Organizations and Agencies CanSIA (Canadian Assn) Eurosolar Green Power Network (US Dept of Energy) IRENA – International Renewable Energy Agency Ren21 – Renewable Energy Policy Network (Global) Repower America The China Sustainable Energy Program World Resources Institute Solar & Renewable Energy News Sites Alternative Energy News PV Renewable Energy World Renewable Energy [...]


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Measuring a Stirling engine with 1 watt power output and 1.5% efficiency

The following is a transcript with still photos of the previous video on the same subject. I?ve included a few more notes about the engine, my model 3F. This is a gamma configuration Stirling engine. I?m powering it with the heat from a 70 watt light bulb so that I can accurately measure the heat [...]


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Infographic: Why is Uncle Sam Going Solar?

Great infographic here on why the US Government is changing the way it powers the military – lots of incentive (including saving lives) for moving toward use of mobile solar and other renewable sources. (…And by extension from the mobile solar military – the EPA, National Parks, FEMA – - all provide excellent opportunities for [...]


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Engine 3F Efficiency Analysis part 2

Continuing with the analysis of where the input power (heat) to the engine goes, the next item to consider is the conduction loss often referred to as thermal shorting. Conduction losses A Stirling engine of gamma configuration, such as the one being considered, uses a displacer to shuttle the operating gas back and forth between [...]


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Solar and Dynamo Class

Voltaic Systems employee, Phillip Stearns will be teaching a 2-day class in DIY Renewable Electricity at 3rd Ward in Brooklyn, NY. �Students will learn how to charge AA batteries using our 2-Watt solar panels, as well as from bike driven …

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Meet Ross and Kenneth, Teamster Apprentices at the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System (ISEGS)

Meet Ross and Kenneth,Teamster Apprentices at the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System (ISEGS) Continue reading


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2011 US Energy Legislative Preview

U.S. energy legislation faces formidable opposition in 2011, but we still expect a debate...


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Obtaining Orbital Parking Slots and Frequencies

I was asked two interesting questions yesterday by people interested in commercial development of space-based solar power (SBSP): How would a company obtain a geostationary parking slot for a SBSP satellite? How would a company obtain a license to broadcast power from space over radio frequencies? Excellent questions. Here are the answers that I slapped [...]


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Ivanpah Portraits #2: Meet Ross & Kenneth, Helmets to Hardhats Apprentices


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Generating power with a stepper motor

If you want to generate electrical power from about a tenth of a watt up to several watts, a stepper motor might be worth considering. I’m going to go into detail here on a specific stepper motor that can generate up to a little over � watt. First a few key features: 1. Inexpensive: New [...]


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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Solar in Ontario: 2011 Preview

2011 will be the year that matters most for solar energy in Ontario...


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Ivanpah Portraits #2: Meet Ross & Kenneth, Helmets to Hardhats Apprentices


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Can You Qualify for the ?Section 1603? 30% Cash Grant Program to Buy Solar?

Can You Qualify for the ?Section 1603? 30% Cash Grant Program to Buy Solar? At the end of 2010, Congress passed and the President...


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One of the giants of sustainability has passed: Ray Anderson led and inspired!

Nice tribute in Metropolis Magazine to Ray Anderson, a legend and true sustainability hero, who passed away recently:


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The Most Powerful States for Solar

It turns out that subsidies -- not the sun -- are what really drive solar projects. Photovoltaic plants simply aren't cost-efficient without tax breaks...


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Monday, August 22, 2011

home solar gets better | introducing the Echo� Solar System

EchoFirst Inc., a company based in the Freemont, California, has taken a major stride forward in maximizing the energy production capability of PV solar technology. For homeowners in 2011, those recognizable blue PV crystalline solar panels remain the most energy efficient solar panels on the market for meeting home energy needs. However, you may be [...]


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Evacuated Tube Solar Collectors

Evacuated Tube Solar CollectorsEvacuated tube solar collectors are very efficient. The efficiency of the evacuated tube solar collector depends mainly on the angle. The main part of the evacuated tube solar collectors is a special vacuum tube, in which is being situated water. The entire design is made on the principle of thermos devices. The vacuum eliminates convection losses and thermal conductivity, reducing the overall collector heat loss to a minimum.


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All Electric Ford Focus Will Include Optional Rooftop Solar Power System

Last winter, I got the opportunity to attend the North American Auto Show in Detroit, Michigan, as a guest of Ford Motor Company.�� Among the numerous fuel efficient vehicles, the showroom included many future electric cars.� Many are merely prototypes, but a few – like the all electric Ford Focus – are actually coming to [...]


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Reducing Energy Consumption with the Latest Home Automation Technology

AVT Solutions, a home automation company offers eco solutions consultation for people looking to adopt the ?Green Building? concept and reducing their carbon foot print. The company offers techniques that can reduce the energy consumption, thereby reducing energy costs. For the uninitiated, a ?Green Building? is a building that is energy efficient, eco friendly, resource [...]


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3 Solutions for Going Solar

Think capturing the sun?s energy is too expensive? Three homeowners?with three very different budgets?find ways to build photovoltaic power...


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Sunday, August 21, 2011

More Efficient and Affordable Solar Power | Developments that are Changing the Industry

Contributing Author: Kriss Bergethon owner of Solar Sphere Solar power was discovered over 170 years ago, but it didn’t become a viable technology until the 1950s. The high cost of producing solar cells meant that the concept remained in limited use up until recently. Renewed interest in solar power has brought investment and research that [...]


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Can You Qualify for the ?Section 1603? 30% Cash Grant Program to Buy Solar?

Can You Qualify for the ?Section 1603? 30% Cash Grant Program to Buy Solar? At the end of 2010, Congress passed and the President...


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Abu Dhabi: Rise of a Renewable Energy Titan?

It's no secret that oil rich Abu Dhabi sees renewable energy as the theme for the next chapter of its place in history...


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Thoughts on the Spark Design

We’re launched the Spark, our iPad solar charger, last week (it also charges several other tablets, smartphones and digital cameras). This is our first tablet-specific product and we look forward to everyone’s feedback. We started thinking about the Spark about …

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Chief Architect Landscape and Deck Software ? Home Designer, Professional

Chief Architect is the creator of high-end home and landscape design software for consumers and professionals alike. The company created their first piece of design software in 1991. Today, their Chief Architect Home Designer and Professional products serve as their flagship line. The company is a member of the American Institute of Building Design, the [...]

Related posts:
  1. Punch Software, Punch Home & Landscape Design Software
  2. HGTV Software for Landscaping and Home, Nova Development
  3. Home Page: Landscape and Patio Design


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Power Grids May Need Modernization to Take SBSP!

It is critical for business case developers and architectural designers to consider how we will feed the energy provided by space-based solar power satellites from the rectifying antenna on the ground into the existing power grids. Wind power is already having a major problem within this. Our friend, starbase202, sent me this interesting article that [...]


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Infographic: Why is Uncle Sam Going Solar?

Great infographic here on why the US Government is changing the way it powers the military – lots of incentive (including saving lives) for moving toward use of mobile solar and other renewable sources. (…And by extension from the mobile solar military – the EPA, National Parks, FEMA – - all provide excellent opportunities for [...]


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Stump Remover 101: 4 Easy Methods to Remove Tree Stumps

We all know that when we cut down a tree there will always be a part of it that is left attached to the ground. The parts that are left attached like the remainder of the trunk and the roots will die and decay in time. Whatever your reason for removing the stump, that is [...]

Related posts:
  1. How to Use a Stump Grinder
  2. How to Prune a Tree
  3. Methods for Spider Extermination


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Types of Bar Height Patio Furniture

Spending time in your patio would be a far better experience if you have the right furniture. Sitting down, having a few laughs, or chit chatting with family and friends at the patio of your home — will all be made better if your patio is furnished with the right fixtures. Patio chairs would be [...]

Related posts:
  1. Outdoor Bar Stools – Bar Furniture
  2. Building a Patio Bar Set
  3. Furniture for Your Outdoor Bar


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